About Us

Franz and Titus, the creative minds behind Joy_, have discovered their shared passion for individual voucher solutions. The idea for Joy_ arose when they organized a group gift together and realized that the market is calling for personalized and flexible vouchers.

Standard vouchers feel so impersonal, almost like a last resort. We wanted to completely reinvent that. With Joy_, a new era begins, where every gift is as unique as the person receiving it. Everything, from the message to the voucher design, is fully customizable.

Franz (Founder)

Joy_ vouchers are the answer to standardized gift cards with fixed amounts and limited space for personal messages. Here, everything revolves around maximum customization: from videos to brilliant photos to humorous memes. Joy_ enables people to break free from the idea of standardized gifts and create real uniqueness.

"The biggest problem with group gifts has always been getting everyone on the same page - both creatively and financially. With Joy_, we have solved this problem. Now everyone can contribute easily and without much effort. The chasing and organizing is a thing of the past."

Titus (Founder)

We want to redefine the concept of vouchers. With Joy_, amounts can be freely chosen, and the vouchers can be redeemed in all online stores in Germany. Our mission is to give gift-giving a new dimension of personality - away from the impersonal assumption that no thoughts go into a gift. Welcome to Joy_ - where giving becomes the art of individuality.